event platform
Dodane: 2016-12-16 :: Kategoria: Fabrykacja / Inne Usługi

Eventory is an unique event platform that helps people all over the world find and promote their events. If you are organizing an event, our event platform will help you to make it visible! Whether you are organizing a concert, an art exhibition, a festival or a conference, we will put it on the map! You can sign in via Facebook with two clicks and quickly create an event, giving us the information about its date, topic, price and location so those who are interested in what you are offering will be able to quickly find it!

Use Eventory to find out what your competition is planning!

Eventory is also a great tool if you want to know what your competition is up to or get inspired, because you will able to view descriptions of events similar to yours that are going to take place in cities all over the globe. Because of this, Eventory makes it possible not only to make your activity visible, but also to find out what is going on around you - and in completely different parts of the world! Eventory is made by people who are passionate about making things happen!

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